
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Why do we need to celebrate christmas

Learning Intention; We are  learning to do an explanation.
Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can put full stop and make sense and paragraph.

         Why do we need to celebrate Christmas๐ŸŽ… ๐ŸŽ… 

 Why do we need to celebrate Christmas?we need to celebrate Christmas because it is Jesus birthday and birth and when it is Christmas you have a   Christmas tree and you decorate it with your family and you can  have a Christmas party.

When it is Christmas you can light a candle and pray and when it is Christmas you open preseasons with you family and you go to church at morning  and you can sing song with family and friends and you have a lovely lunch

And when it is Christmas you can play Christmas games like tag hid  


Monday, 10 December 2018

Sleeping Butty-by Leonie

Learning Intention;we are learning to write a narrative. 
Success Criteria;I am successful when I can write a narrative.

Dear sleeping butty I invite you to st Patrick school to play with me and my friends I will let my teteraer

Friday, 7 December 2018

My dreams - by Leonie

                                            My Dream
Learning Intention; we are learning to write a dream.

Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can write a dream

I dream about...
Puppy and dog
apples and bananas
sun  and moon
and I am happy.

I dream about...
ghost and lightning
thunder and guns
bombs and volcanoes
and I am scared.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Alice in the woods-by Leonie

Learning Intention; we are learning to write a narrative story.
Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can write a narrative story.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Alice she lived in the woods with her Dad I am a queen I lived in a castle with my mother one day me and Alice were playing golf I win on the first rowed
and Alice win on the next rowed 

Thursday, 29 November 2018

My Image of Heaven-by Leonie

Learning Intention; we are learning to drew what heaven looks like.
Success Criteria;I am successful when I can drew what heaven Looks like.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Fruit cup-by Leonie

                                                   Fruit cup 
Learning Intention;W.A.L.T-to write an instruction.
Success Criteria;I am successful when I can write the instructions using words like First, second, third, then, next, lastly and finaly.

Ingredients; lettuce, pineapple, apple kiwi fruit and cream.

First, wash your hands.

Second, wash the fruit.

Third, peel the skin of the fruit but not the apple.

Then,cut up the fruit into little bite sizes.

Next, put the fruit  in an bowl and put cream with it and mix's it.

lastly, make the lettuce like a cup and put the fruit in the lettuce cup.

Finaly, eat it, these is so yummy.

Athletics day - by Leonie

Learning Intention;W.A.L.T-to write an e

Mission Day- By Leonie

Learning Intention;We are leaning to write a recount about Mission day.
Success Criteria; I know I am successful when I can use full stops and captive letters.

                                              Mission Day
Hooray it is Mission day on Mission day the school goes to church at morning and sing song and

How to be a good friends-by Leonie

Learning Intention;

Success Criteria;

A good friend is caring like when someone gets hurt and you help them up and look after them.And a good friend is kind to you \

Thinking of Others - By Leonie

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Warsaw the Dragon by Leonie

Learning Intention;We are are learning to write a narrative.
Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can  write a narrative.

Once upon a time in a beautiful tree filled forest lived an
enormous bright green, purple, fire breathing dragon named
warsaw. He was lonely because he had no friends.

One day warsaw went to the town.The people their run a way but there was a girl he

The wolf and the seven kids - by Leonie

 Question Answer
 1 What did the wolf put on his feet

2.why did the children hid?

3.When did the big bad wolf came back?

4.Why did the Mum say not to open the door?

5.Why did the big bad wolf have a drink?
 The big bad wolf put flower of his feet.

The children hid because the big wolf.

The big bad wolf came back after he put his feet in the flower.

The Mum said not to open the door because the big bad wolf will eat them.

He had a drink because he had stone in him.

Friday, 26 October 2018

The Lion called caley by Leonie

Learning Intention;We are learning to write a narrative story.
Success Criteria;I am successful when I can use capital letters and full stop.


A long time ago in the forest there was a lion called caley he had large sharp teeth and he did not have food to eat one day he went looking for food but he could not find food so he went home.

The next day caley went looking for food again he find food and went back home when he was 

Shellfish by - Leonie

Learning Intention;W.A.L.T- write an argument.
Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can write an argument.           

What are Cockles ? cockles new Zealand little neck clam,is an edible saltwater clam,a marine bivalve molluse in the family you can see them at the beach in the sand you can eat the in side of it.

Why are cockles disappearing? Cockles are disappearing because people are having party's and people talk more cockles


My prayer-by Leonie

                                                   MY Prayer
Learning Intention;We are learning to write a prayer.
Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can write a prayer.

Thank you for my family and friends and for my little brother and me!


Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Mission Day To celebrate or Not celebrate - by Leonie

Learning Intention;To write a persuasive writing.
Success Criteria; I know I am successful when I can persuade someone to believe my point of view.

I agree  that we need to celebrate Mission day because we fund raise money to donate to the Holy Angels orphanage.

We should celebrate Mission day because it is fun to enjoy it with friends and family.  We play games like sing we go to church and to ask for a good day.

Mission day is so much fun because the games are cool and at the end of the day we have a Raul if you here your number you get something  cool  mission day is fun   I like playing the cool games it is a fun day.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Koi carps are pest by Leonie

Learning Intention;W.A.L.T-write an augment.

Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can give my opinion about my topic.

What are koi carps? koi carps are big and they look like a gold fish and you can eat them when there cooked and they are fish you can find them in the lake and they are

Koi carps pet or pest?I agree that koi carps are pet because you can buy them at the please where you get the little fish and you can get a big  

My letter to coach

Learning Intention;'W.A.L.T.-write a letter to my coach.                                               
Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can use full stop and capital letters.       
  Dear coach Bjorn                                                                                                                                        
   Thank  you for showing me how to hit the racer and serving to my partner and thank you for showing and my class  and I how to play b                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Friday, 31 August 2018

Tavina-My dad-By Leonie

Tavina-My dad 
Learning Intention:We are learning how to write a poem about my dad.
Success Criteria:I know I am successful when I can write a poem about my dad using a format and capital letters and full stops correctly.

Brown eyes, brown skin, tall and skinny,
bald, and wear glasses

My Autobiography

Learning Intention:W.A.L.T-write our autobiography.
Success Criteria:I know I am successful when I can write a a autobiography.

I am Leonie and my birthday is April the four I am 8 year old my loving parents are Ruth and tavter  and my cool brother's are Ramsey and Michael and my pretty auntie's are Lissy and Maler and my handsome uncles are sam and sapoi 

Monday, 27 August 2018

All about me-by Leonie

Learning Intention;We are learning to write a recount.
Success Criteria; I am successful when I can write a recount using correct spelling and full stops.

                                                    All about me
Hello! My name is Leonie. I live in Panmure, New Zealand.I was born in April 2010.
I have 2 brothers. My favorite food are apples and pork.The sport that I like is soccer.
In school I like Math. My favorite book is "Don't eat the teacher". My friends are Ana, Erich  and Ellma. The color that I like is pink.I like to sing songs at home.