
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Why do we need to celebrate christmas

Learning Intention; We are  learning to do an explanation.
Success Criteria;I know I am successful when I can put full stop and make sense and paragraph.

         Why do we need to celebrate Christmas๐ŸŽ… ๐ŸŽ… 

 Why do we need to celebrate Christmas?we need to celebrate Christmas because it is Jesus birthday and birth and when it is Christmas you have a   Christmas tree and you decorate it with your family and you can  have a Christmas party.

When it is Christmas you can light a candle and pray and when it is Christmas you open preseasons with you family and you go to church at morning  and you can sing song with family and friends and you have a lovely lunch

And when it is Christmas you can play Christmas games like tag hid  


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